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Category Archives: Farm
How To Really Make Breakfast
First you raise a heritage breed pig breed such as Tamworth (which is now on the Slow Food Ark of Taste List by the way) or English Large Black. Be very good to it…let it roam outside on pasture eating fresh green grass and roots and grubs, let it make a mudwater bath to play in with it’s friends, give it lots of clean straw to roll about in. Don’t feed it any antibiotics, just crushed grains to supplement it’s grazing diet. Notice how happy it is, how it snorts with glee and barks like a dog and wants to walk with you in the field. Continue reading
Bear With Me
If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise! Friends….RELAX…fuzzy wuzzy was a bear…and reports of my recent bear attack are greatly exaggerated (nonexistent in fact). And if you DO hear I was mauled after this report it will likely be because I tried to pet it or put it in the barn. Which I promise not to. Continue reading